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June 29, 2018 2 min read

GALUP VOLA A EATALY NEW YORK! - Galup® Store Ufficiale

Two days of tasting at Eataly's New York stores to present the world premiere of the Panettone Paradiso from the POP ART line by artist Max Ferrigno.

Galup lands in the United States to present in New York on 1 and 2 July, on the occasion of the Summer Fancy Food Show, the Panettone Paradiso from the new POP ART line, designed by Max Ferrigno for next Christmas: the tasting will be held at the two New York Eataly stores in the presence of the Piedmontese naturalized Sicilian artist, to give overseas enthusiasts a preview of one of the flagship products of Christmas 2018, which will be available in Italy starting from November.

The Eataly NYC Flatiron and NYC Downtown locations will host the popsurrealist painter Max Ferrigno who will accompany the tastings by signing the Panettone Paradiso wrappers: this exceptional pack is inspired by the Big Sweety Dream painting that the artist created exclusively for Galup and studied specifically for the occasion, as can be seen from the American-style writings in the background. The painting will remain on display at Eataly until December.
Packaging has always been a distinctive brand for Galup: never like this year has the modern taste of pop art combined with the tradition of sourdough.

Communicating values ​​and emotions through art is part of the path that Galup has undertaken and which led to the beginning of the partnership with Max Ferrigno. The POP ART line by Max Ferrigno offers four packagings which are four works of art, four portraits to be collected; an original idea in manga style to tell, with contemporary language, a great Christmas classic.

The POP ART line will be available in the flavors Pandoro Gran Galup with Chocolate Chips, Panettone Gran Galup Classico, Panettone Gran Galup with Chocolate Chips and Panettone Gran Galup Paradiso. Galup, a historic Piedmontese company, was born in Pinerolo in 1922 and, in just under 100 years, has made its famous panettone travel around the world, with its hand-made, thick and crunchy Piedmont Hazelnut IGP icing.

Thanks to the use of the highest quality raw materials, the company, while remaining faithful to the past, has been able to innovate and grow, acquiring a national and international commercial dimension and becoming a point of reference in the excellent confectionery market. Today Galup panettone is appreciated almost all over the world, especially in numerous European countries, North America, Australia and Japan. Max Ferrigno was born in Casale Monferrato on 14 November 1977.

He has created sets for Gardaland, Disneyland Paris, MiniItalia, Cow Boy Guest. In 2005 his artistic sensitivity suffered a strong shock: he started watching old Japanese cartoons again, listening to TV theme tunes and suddenly the echoes of childhood memory became the source of an explosion of ideas and projects. Thus began Max Ferrigno's "popsurrealist" phase, where the cartoon characters, snacks and games of a generation become "active actors" in his works, in a riot of bright, intense and dissonant colours. In November 2010 he exhibited his first important collection in Milan, “Les Sucreries”, a success that attracted the attention of many critics and fans of popsurrealism.

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