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December 10, 2020 2 min read

MARIO DICE: “GALUP!” - Galup® Store Ufficiale
A particular, perhaps strange, certainly original combination was born from the meeting between Mario Dice - a world-famous stylist - and Galup , the Piedmontese brand that changed the history of a national product, panettone.

And in a partnership that unites fashion and gourmet, elegance and authenticity, trend and tradition, the words acquire a profound meaning and become a faithful mirror of the philosophy that unites two excellences, in an innovative collaboration, not to be taken for granted but rather strongly desired.

Thus was born a unique proposal, the Limited Edition of Panettone with Gran Galup Supply Chain Ingredients of 1 kilogram - with traceable ingredients and ISO 22005 certified supply chain -  milk, butter, sugar, eggs and flour – accompanied by candied cherries and oranges that enrich the dough, Piedmont PGI hazelnuts that make up the famous and unmistakable glaze, Avola almonds, icing sugar, starch and rice flour, salt and essential oil, all excellences rigorously and exclusively Made in Italy. A panettone artfully wrapped by hand, in a unique creation, a 3D printed silk scarf, numbered and signed Mario Dice , specially designed by the stylist to seal a collaboration that represents the triumph of Made in Italy and a hymn to tradition and Italian craftsmanship.

MARIO SAYS: “GALUP!” it is therefore a new project, all elegance and goodness of this Christmas 2020, a Limited Edition made of 500 pieces, which will be available starting from Thursday 10 December at the Galup stores in Turin (Via Andrea Doria 7) and Pinerolo (Strada Fenestrelle 34), on the Galup e-shop at , as well as at Eataly Milano Smeraldo.

Mario Dice , after years of collaborations with international brands, founded the fashion house that bears his name in 2007. A brand that embodies everything the designer has always believed in and carried forward: the extreme attention to the values ​​of Made in Italy, the attention to detail, the quality of the raw materials and of the production, making Italian tailoring its point of Force.
A prêt-a-couture interpreter of stylistic and aesthetic know-how that has always distinguished Italian excellence.

Galup is much more than a brand, it is a beautiful and important reality, a true Italian story. A journey almost a century long which today, like yesterday, winds along a path made of innovation and tradition, a balanced and successful combination that guides the Galup's choices.  A careful search for quality raw materials, combined with a unique process that maintains the craftsmanship of the past in many of its steps, make Galup's high-end products true gourmet pastry offerings.

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