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GALUP at the 91st Alba Truffle Fair

October 22, 2021 2 min read

GALUP alla 91° Fiera del Tartufo di Alba - Galup® Store Ufficiale

The 91st Alba White Truffle Fair has come to life, opening on Saturday, October 9. A traditional event, another sign of a return to in-person events and the long-awaited opportunity for in-person discussions to capture and share glances, smiles and emotions.

An event that is both part of tradition and innovation, of today and tomorrow, with an eye more than ever focused on the future to reaffirm the Fair's attention to issues that have become fundamental for building a better future: environmental protection, climate change and sustainability in all its forms.

Environmental sustainability, but also social, economic, energy, these are the different meanings of the same word, which become real pillars on which to build; values ​​that Galup - historically partner of the Alba Truffle Fair - not only "shares" but "lives" in its daily life, in a corporate philosophy that makes attention to the territory and its community, one of the main objectives of its operations.

A partnership that is therefore renewed with various and interesting initiatives.

First of all, the Panettone Galup Marrons Glacés Limited Edition , a masterpiece of fine pastry that plays with the noble excellences of our country, a delicious sweetness that caresses the fantasies of the most refined tastes. The dough contains the best chestnuts, glazed by hand, and covered with the traditional glaze with only Hazelnut Tonda Gentile Trilobata Alta Langa.

But there are many sweet surprises that can be discovered and purchased at the stand that the company has set up inside the Fair, a corner of colorful delicacies to present the most historic references and the new proposals of this 2021 season.

A presence, that of Galup, which for this 91st Fair, also becomes a moment of comparison, with the adhesion to Dawn to Earth , a project that will see people from finance, excellent craftsmanship and digital innovation, high fashion and art, music, design, culture and obviously haute cuisine, talking together for a comparison on the theme of sustainability.
A convivial table in which Galup will take part with a meeting, on Sunday 31 October, between Stefano Borromeo – CEO Galup who will talk with Paolo Zegna – CEO Ermenegildo Zegna Group, on the topic of “Social sustainability”.

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