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CIOFS-FP Piemonte and GALUP side by side to train young workers

June 23, 2021 2 min read

CIOFS-FP Piemonte e GALUP fianco a fianco per formare giovani lavoratori - Galup® Store Ufficiale

A collaboration that leads to inclusion in the company, with an important impact on employment terms.

Cooperation, professional growth, job opportunities. These are just some of the ingredients that make the collaboration between Galup and the CIOFS-FP Piemonte special . The objective is to include, within the GALUP company, young people leaving professional training courses who have attended the course dedicated to agri-food transformation.

The young people will thus take part in summer internships, which can lead to a first-level training apprenticeship contract, during which Galup will also offer meeting opportunities with sector professionals, to offer a more complete vision of the sector panorama and to allow young people who will take part in the initiative will provide a tangible comparison with the world of work.

A training that therefore does not stop only at theory, but which aims to create new responsible and prepared professionalism.

This is an important collaboration with social implications which also brings with it a significant impact in terms of employment in the area. This is a project that perfectly matches the Mission of the Association, founded in the second half of the 20th century precisely to give continuity to the commitment of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello for the professional training of young people. Salesian Professional Training was created to offer personal and professional growth paths to all children, even those who need more laboratory-based paths, more oriented towards " learning by doing" . For this reason, the contents and teaching-learning methods of VET (Vocational Education and Training) courses differ from traditional ones as they are less theoretical and strictly connected to work aspects, without however giving up adequate basic cultural training.

A collaboration in which Galup makes its history, its experience and that "knowledge of working well" available to future generations which, since 1922, the year the Pinerolo company was founded, has always characterized its path.

An opportunity to create generations of future professionals who know how to be a "team", people who respect each other, call each other by name and know what the difference is between listening and feeling.

Philosophy has always been at the basis of Galup 's work , which knows how to combine high levels of process and product quality with an important dimension of openness to social responsibility and commitment to the territory. This attention has always been a cornerstone of the growth of Galup which has transformed from Pietro Ferrua's small pastry shop into a true Italian excellence, spanning the history of our country and obtaining positive feedback both in Italy and abroad .

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