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November 21, 2018 1 min read

PIEMONTE FOOD AWARDS 2018 - Galup® Store Ufficiale

The historic Piedmontese confectionery company Galup won the Special Mention in the "Sweets" category at the first edition of the Piemonte Food Awards 2018, the Oscars of agri-food excellence.

The Piemonte Food Awards was created to celebrate the commitment and competence of Piedmontese companies in the agri-food sector, which is currently experiencing great growth and has strong development prospects in the foreign market: for Galup, therefore, a historic company based in Pinerolo, this Special Mention is further confirmation of Piedmontese excellence in pastry making and as a confectionery company that has brought Made in Italy to the world since 1922 thanks to widespread national distribution and export to foreign markets.

The Piedmont Food Awards Gala was held on Saturday 17 November at the prestigious La Margherita Golf Club location. As many as 128 companies proposed themselves in the 9 categories to aim to win the Piemonte Food Awards event.

The evening was attended by special guests: the Korean journalist Baek Nang Yong, the blogger Dario Ujetto, the blogger Paola Uberti, the Regional Councilor Elvio Rostagno, the mayor of Carmagnola Ivana Gaveglio and Umberto Montano, creator of the MercaTO Centrale.

The event was conceived by Donato Ala, journalist and event consultant and took place with the patronage of the Piedmont Region, Coldiretti, Accademia dei Georgofili.

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