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European Private Label Awards 2022: Galup/Conad among the finalists.

February 21, 2022 1 min read

European Private Label Awards 2022: Galup/Conad tra i finalisti. - Galup® Store Ufficiale

ESM: European Supermarket Magazine has announced the finalists of this year's European Private Label Awards. Among the 56 innovative products selected and divided into 14 categories there is also Panettone Basso, with Gold Chocolate and Caramel, and with Candied Amarene and Chocolate Drops, produced by Galup and distributed under the Sapori & Idee di Conad brand, for the "Pastry" category and Snacks”. A panettone produced with sourdough, selected raw materials and the processing method that has made Galup Panettoni famous throughout the world.

The European Private Label Awards were launched by ESM in 2017, to select and reward the most innovative and impactful private label products on sale in European supermarkets.

Open to both retailers and suppliers, the Awards celebrate the best in store brand innovation on a pan-European level.

Judges are asked to evaluate each product based on three important parameters, Innovation, Presentation and Taste. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's awards were judged both in person, by a local jury, and virtually, by an international team of experts.

Being among the finalists distinguishes Galup for the extraordinary quality of its panettone, also recognized at a European level, but it also demonstrates how the bar has been raised within large-scale distribution, especially for private label products.

THE  winners of the 14 categories will be announced at the beginning of March.

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